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Friday, December 3, 2010

Update: Computer-wars

I have declared victory.  My last two problems--Java Virtual Machine not launching and random browser redirects--were likely caused by a single rootkit bug.  For those who don't know, a rootkit is a program or utility that stealthily co-opts system control be being able to intercept what the (authorized) user asks and then doing whatever the hell it wants to do.

After trying to explain what happened and why I was actually in the Computer Commons (the work must go on, even when viruses are about), I sort of felt nerdier-than-though when the computer-lab personnel looked at me with glazed eyes...

My solution was actually using several malware/virus checkers while looking for specific symptom combinations.  What I found was info on that rootkit and a combination of software that cleaned out all the temp files, caches, and such then quashed the rootkit.  A clean restart and scans by three different scanners and I'm tired, happy, and nerdier than ever.

*head desk*

Now, for a nap and--as soon as finals are over--real posts.

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